11 Day Istanbul & Egypt Civilization Tour

Guaranteed Arrival Every Friday

Day 1: Fri - Arrival to Istanbul

Arrival at Istanbul Airport & transfer to the hotel 
Day 2: Sat - Full Day City Tour, Byzantine & Ottoman Relics
After having breakfast at hotel, you will have a full day city tour. Hippodrome: The former center of sprotive and political activities of Constantinople. You will be able to see the Obelisk from Egypt, Serpentine Column from Delphi and fountain of Willhelm II.

Blue Mosque: One of the biggest mosques of Istanbul from 17th century architecture is one of the principal adornments on the skyline of Istanbul. Also famous for its blue tiles and 6 minarest.

Topkapi Palace: The former imperial residence from where the Great Ottoman Empire was ruled. Today a spectacular museum that has one of the largest collections of Chinese and Japanese porcelain and the very famous treasury of the Royal Family. LUNCH: Full Course Deluxe Menu at a charming restaurant.

St.Sophia: The magnificent Byzantine Church of all times one of the finest and largest architectural works of art in the world.

Grand Bazaar: In addition to its historical importance, its a bazaar that will tempt even the nonshoppers with its rich collection of precious handmade carpets, jewellery, leather and souvenirs. After the tour you will be transferred to your Hotel. Overnight in Istanbul. (B, L) 
Day 3: Sun - Full Day City Tour, Bosphorus & Two Continents
After having breakfast at hotel, you will have a full day city tour. Spice Bazaar (Egyptian Bazaar), mystical smells of different aromas of various spices. Shops selling fruits, vegetables, flowers, fish etc.

Bosphorus Cruise, through the waterway separating the two continents, Europe and Asia, with a possibility to take photographs of marble palaces, ancient wooden villas of Ottoman architecture besides modern residentials and luxurious apartments. LUNCH: Full Course Deluxe Menu at a charming restaurant.

Dolmabahce Palace: The last residence for Ottoman Sultans with 365 rooms and 22 saloons. Famous with the great collection of European antiquity, furniture and 4.5 tons chandelier.

Bosphorus Bridge, unique chance to step from one continent (Europe) to another (Asia) in 2 minutes.

Camlica Hill, exposing a panoramic view of Istanbul and Bosphorus from the best point of view. After the tour you will be transferred to your Hotel. Overnight in Istanbul. (B, L) 
Day 4: Mon - Istanbul, Cairo, Luxor 
Check out and transfer to the airport for your flight to Cairo (NOT INCLUDED IN OUR PRICE),  to connect with domecstic flight to Luxor (included in our price).  Arrival and transfer to your luxury Nile Cruise where you will spend the next 7 nights / 8 days. (B, L, D) 

Day 5: Tue - Luxor, Esna

After breakfast, visit Karnak Temple, in ancient Egypt, the power of the god Amun of Thebes gradually increased during the early New Kingdom, and after the short persecution led by Akhenaten, it rose to its apex. In the reign of Ramesses III, more than two thirds of the property owned by the temples belonged to Amun, evidenced by the stupendous buildings at Karnak. Although badly ruined, no site in Egypt is more impressive than Karnak. It is the largest temple complex ever built by man, and represents the combined achievement of many generations of ancient builders. The Temple of Karnak is actually three main temples, smaller enclosed temples, and several outer temples located about three kilometers north of Luxor, Egypt situated on 100 ha (247 acres) of land. Karnak is actually the sites modern name. Its ancient name was Ipet-isut, meaning "The Most Select (or Sacred) of Places". This vast complex was built and enlarged over a thirteen hundred year period. The three main temples of Mut, Montu and Amun are enclosed by enormous brick walls.

Proceed to visit the Temple of Luxor, built by the two pharaohs, Amenhotep III and Ramses II. Ancient Thebes was a center of festivals, and the Temple of Luxor was the setting for the most important-the festival of Opet, designed to merge the ruler`s human and divine aspects. The temple was dedicated to Amun-Ra, whose marriage to Mut was celebrated annually, when the sacred procession moved by boat from Karnak to Luxor Temple. back to the Cruise for lunch, sail to Esna, overnight. (B, L, D) 
Day 6: Wed - Edfu, Kom Ombo

Early morning, start sailing to Edfu and Visit Edfu Temple, also known as the Temple of Horus, the falcon-god, (237 B.C.) considered the best-preserved temple in Ancient Egypt and the second largest after the Temple of Karnak. Dedicated to Horus, the falcon headed god, it was built during the reigns of six Ptolemies. We have a great deal of information about its construction from reliefs on outer areas. It was begun in 237 BC by Ptolemy III Euergetes I and was finished in 57 BC. Most of the work continued throughout this period with a brief interlude of 20 years while there was unrest during the period of Ptolemy IV and Ptolemy V Epiphanes. This is not only the best preserved ancient temple in Egypt, but the second largest after Karnak. It was believed that the temple was built on the site of the great battle between Horus and Seth. Hence, the current temple was but the last in a long series of temples build on this location. Sail to Kom Ombo and Overnight in Kom Ombo. (B, L, D) 
Day 7: Thu - Kom Ombo, Aswan, Optional Sound & Light Show
Sail to Aswan P.M. Visit the High Dam, Located near Aswan, the world famous High Dam was an engineering miracle when it was built in the 1960s. It contains 18 times the material used in the Great Pyramid of Cheops. The Dam is 11,811 feet long, 3215 feet thick at the base and 364 feet tall. Today it provides irrigation and electricity for the whole of Egypt and, together with the old Aswan Dam built by the British between 1898 and 1902, 6km down river, and wonderful views for visitors. From the top of the two Mile long High Dam you can gaze across Lake Nassar, the huge reservoir created when it was built, to Kalabsha temple in the south and the huge power station to the north.

Proceed to the Unfinished Obelisk, much of the red granite used for ancient temples and colossi came from quarries in the Aswan area. Around these quarries are many inscriptions, many of which describe successful quarrying projects. The Unfinished Obelisk located in the Northern Quarry still lies where a crack was discovered as it was being hewn from the rock. Possibly intended as a companion to the Lateran Obelisk, originally at Karnak but now in Rome, it would have weighed over 2.3 million pounds and would have been the world`s largest piece of stone ever handled. However, a crack in the stone occurred, which caused it to be abandoned. Tools left by its builders have given us much insight into how such work was performed. The site has recently been renovated and equipped with tourist facilities.

Last stop will be at the Philae Temple, Philae Temple was dismantled and reassembled (on Agilika Island about 550 meters from its original home on Philae Island) in the wake of the High Dam. The temple, dedicated to the goddess Isis, is in a beautiful setting which has been landscaped to match its original site. Its various shrines and sanctuaries, which include The Vestibule of Nectanebos I which is used as the entrance to the island, the Temple of the Emperor Hadrian, a Temple of Hathor, Trajans Kiosk (Pharaohs Bed), a birth house and two pylons celebrate all the deities involved in the Isis and Osiris myth. The Victorian world fell in love with the romance of the Temple. But at night you can also visit the Sound and Light Show, a magical experience. Sail around The Botanical Garden by Felucca. Evening you may choose our optional tour (Sound & Light Show at Philae Temple -A14), overnight in Aswan. (B, L, D) 
Day 8: Fri - Aswan, Optional Abu Simbel

Morning free at your leisure or you may choose our optional tour (Abu Simbel tour) situated 280km south of Aswan. Exploring the magnificent monuments carved into solid rock 3,000 years ago. In a monumental feat of modern engineering, these massive temples were moved to their present location when construction of the Aswan High Dam in 1960 created Lake Nasser and flooded their original location. This extraordinary operation to save one of the world`s greatest treasures took years and the efforts of an international team of engineers and archaeologists. The two temples at Abu Simbel were built by Egypt`s great Pharaoh Ramses II (Egypt`s longest-ruling king) as a tribute to the deities and his favorite wife Nefertari. Four colossal statues, 60 feet high and directly facing the rising sun, are of the pharaoh himself, with his queen and daughters at his feet. More tremendous statues surround you as you enter the temple. And in the very depths of the temple, Ramses sits in state flanked by the gods to whom the construction is dedicated. Fly back to Aswan, afternoon felucca Ride, overnight in Aswan. (B, L, D) 
Day 9: Sat - Aswan, Kom Ombo, Edfu, Luxor
Early sail to Kom Ombo and Visit Kom Ombo Temple (the Ptolemaic Temple of Sobek & Haroeries). Located in the town of Kom-Ombo, about 28 miles north of Aswan, the Temple, dating to the Ptolemies, is built on a high dune overlooking the Nile. The actual temple was started by Ptolemy VI Philometor in the early second century BC. Ptolemy XIII built the outer and inner hypostyle halls. The outer enclosure wall and part of the court were built by Augustus sometime after 30 BC, and are mostly gone. There are also tombs from the Old Kingdom in the vicinity of Kom-Ombo village, sail to Edfu, sail to Luxor & overnight. (B, L, D) 
Day 10: Sun - Luxor, Optional Sound & Light Show
Visit The West Bank, starting with Valley of the Kings, with its many tombs chiseled deep into the Cliffside. From the 18th to the 20th Dynasty, the Memphis area and pyramid-style tombs were abandoned in favor of the West Bank of the Nile in Thebes. Several great leaders as well as many less important rulers are buried here, and more tombs are being discovered even today. This is where Howard Carter discovered the treasures of Tutankhamen and was struck dumb with amazement when he be held its wonderful things in 1922.

Proceed to The funerary temple of Queen Hatshipsut at Deir El Bahari. The mortuary temple of Queen Hatshepsut is one of the most dramatically situated in the world. The queens architect, Senenmut, designed it and set it at the head of a valley overshadowed by the Peak of the Thebes, the Lover of Silence where the goddess who presided over the necropolis lived.

Last stop will be at the Colossi of Memnon. Amenhotep III (18th Dynasty) built a mortuary temple in Thebes that was guarded by two gigantic statues on the outer gates. All that remains now are the 23 meter (75 ft) high, one thousand ton statues of Amenhotep III. Though damaged by nature and ancient tourists, the statues are still impressive, back to the cruise for lunch, evening you may choose our optional (Sound & Light Show L14, overnight in Luxor. (B, L, D) 
Day 11: Mon - Luxor, Cairo, Departure

After Breakfast, transfer to Luxor airport for your flight back to Cairo, to connect with your international flights. (B)

Tour Inclusions:

  • 10 nights at first class hotel and Deluxe Nile Cruise
  • 3 nights at the Q-Inn Hotel Old City, Istanbul - Standard Room - based on bed and buffet breakfast
  • 7 nights aboard a Deluxe Nile Cruise Outside Cabin based on full board sailing from Luxor 
  • All transfers by Private air-conditioned cars or minivan with English Speaking Host.
  • Domestic Air Cairo/Luxor/Cairo
  • All sightseeing as per the itinerary
  • All hotel taxes

Price Exculdes:

  • Visa to enter Turkey and Egypt
  • International airfare include the one way flight Istanbul to Cairo
  • Tips to driver and local guides
  • Optional tours

Optional 3 nights Cairo Extension:

  • 3 nights at the Pyramids Park Resort, Cairo - Standard Room - based on bed and buffet breakfast
  • All transfers by private air-conditioned minivan with English Speaking Host
  • Full Day Cairo City Tour includes: Egyptian Museum, Citadel of Mohamed Ali, Old Cairo (El Muallaqa Church and Ben Ezra Synagogue) and Khan El Khalili Bazaar with lunch at local restaurant by air-conditioned minivan/bus and English Speaking License Egyptologist
  • Full Day Cairo Pyramids Tour includes: Giza Pyramids, Sphinx, Memphis and Sakkara with lunch at local restaurant by air-conditioned minivan/bus and English Speaking License Egyptologist.
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